How Monads Solve Problems

December 19, 2021 16 min read fp

Introduction: Callbacks🔗

Imagine, for a moment, that it's 2013, you're involved in designing JavaScript, and you have a problem: callbacks are a mess. Because of the way the web was designed, JavaScript has to use asynchronous programming for I/O like making HTTP requests, but, so far, the only way to handle such async operations is to pass functions into other functions which pass other functions into more functions, on and on ad nauseum:

function callbackHell(params, callback) {
    makeRequest(params, (err, result) => {
        if (err) {
            return callback(err);
        processResults(results, (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err);
            sendResults(data, (err, response) => {
                if (err) {
                    return callback(err);

Disgusting! Especially when you consider that if this was synchronous, it would look like:

function synchronyHeaven(params) {
    const results = makeRequest(params);
    const data = processResults(results);
    return sendResults(data).id;

There are a few things going wrong in our sideways pyramid of doom that callbacks build up:

Where do you go from here?

How we'll discover monads🔗

Whether you've heard of monads or not, my goal with this post is to show how you might discover monads, how monads solve problems, and what makes a monad a monad. This exploration will work best if you're familiar with TypeScript and callback-based asynchronous programming like the above.

A dissection of callbacks🔗

So, what's so bad about callbacks? From my earlier example, callbackHell, we can see the syntax disadvantages: indentation floats to the right the more steps we take, and every step has a check for failure. Where do these problems come from? Let's look at an individual step:

asyncStep(args, (err, result) => {
    if (err) {
        // handle err
    } else {
        // use result

From a certain perspective, we can see how the next step is made part of this step; the callback is, visually, inside the call to asyncStep. This means any usage of the results of asyncStep have to go inside this step using asyncStep. We can try to disconnect these steps a bit, like so:

asyncStep(args, nextStep);

function nextStep(err, result) {
    if (err) {
        // handle err
    } else {
        // use result

Now the next step isn't inside the first step, but the first step still has to know about the second step, so this still isn't ideal.

Let's look at the other problem: every step that follows a fallible step has to check for failure manually. This is because errors are passed next to the result, so we can try splitting the callback up. I'll use the first callback to handle errors, and the second callback to handle successful results:

asyncStep(args, nextStepErr, nextStepSuccess);

function nextStepSuccess(result) {
    // use result

function nextStepErr(err) {
    // handle err

This looks like it would require twice as many functions, but in many cases, a whole chain of operation uses the same error handling, which reduces the number of functions needed.

Let's try rewriting callbackHell with these techniques:

function callbackHell(params, errCallback, idCallback) {
    makeRequest(params, errCallback, processStep);

    function processStep(result) {
        processResults(results, errCallback, sendStep);

    function sendStep(data) {
        sendResults(data, errCallback, finish);

    function finish(response) {

Well, I think this looks neater. Whether you agree or not, you probably agree that it's still worse than the synchronous alternative; there's quite a bit of repetition, between creating and using each step and using the provided errCallback in every step.


How can we improve on our last version of callbackHell? Considering our goal is to make something as nice as our synchronous version, synchronyHeaven, a reasonable first step would be to try to make const result= makeRequest(params); meaningful, so let's make makeRequest return an object. What should this object do?

Since we're replacing a callback argument, how about we give this object methods to add callbacks:

const result = makeRequest(params);


This is certainly interesting, even if it hasn't made our code shorter. I'll call this object a promise, since it represents a guarantee that something will happen later, either a success or a failure.

Let's look at our finish function, and the step before it, translated into our promise style:

function sendStep(data) {
    const response = sendResults(data);

function finish(response) {

finish is a unique step in our function, as it doesn't do anything asynchronous, so we haven't changed it much yet. I'll examine a possible improvement to sendStep by adding a method to our promise type to do a synchronous step first:

function sendStep(data) {
    const response = sendResults(data);
    response.onFailure(errCallback); =>;


And do a little API manipulation:

function sendStep(data) {
        .map(response =>;

That's pretty neat, right? How about we try adding something similar to map, but instead executes asynchronous operations:

// note that we've gone back one step in
// the chain to illustrate this method
function processStep(results) {

        .andThen(data => sendResults(data))

        .map(response =>

Well, that's even better, let's try applying it to the whole function:

function promisePurgatory(params) {
    return makeRequest(params)
        .map(response =>;

Nice! Notice that we're able to replace the callbacks in this function as well, and return a promise instead. The ability to chain async operations together means we can even remove onSuccess, at least from the public API.


Let's look at another problem: transforming arrays. Say you're making a social media app, and you have an array of a user's friends. You might want to get an array of their usernames so you can easily display them on your website. It's 2013, so you write out a loop to make a new array:

const usernames = [];

for (const user of friends) {

Or maybe you're displaying a summary of things the user's friends did:

const summary = [];

for (const event of events) {

We could implement a function that handles any array transformations like this fairly easily:

function mapArray(array, func) {
    const transformed = [];

    for (const x of array) {

    return transformed;

Now our loops from above can be replaced:

const usernames = mapArray(friends, user =>;

const summary = mapArray(events, event => event.type);

And since you're helping design JavaScript, you can just make that a convenient method:

const usernames = =>;

// ...

However, map doesn't solve all of our array transformation needs. In our previous example, how would you get an array of things the user's friends did in the first place?

const events = [];

for (const user of friends) {
    for (const event of user.recentEvents) {

This might come up often enough to deserve a method too, for example, you might want an array of all of the people tagged in the user's recent photos, so let's add a flatMap method that does the work of the nested loop above:

const events = friends.flatMap(user => user.recentEvents);

The name flatMap refers to how, if you used just map, you would end up with a nested array, but flatMap returns a flat array.

The Patterns🔗

If we compare the solutions we came up with for the above problems, obviously we came up with a map method for both Promise and Array. Upon closer inspection, these map methods even have the same signature, besides using Promise vs Array:

let promiseMap:
    <T, U>(this: Promise<T>, func: (t: T) => U) => Promise<U>;

let arrayMap:
    <T, U>(this: Array<T>,   func: (t: T) => U) => Array<U>;

We've also created two other methods with the same signature, but different names:

let promiseAndThen:
    <T, U>(this: Promise<T>, func: (t: T) => Promise<U>) => Promise<U>;

let arrayFlatMap:
    <T, U>(this: Array<T>,   func: (t: T) => Array<U>)   => Array<U>;


One abstraction we've discovered is that of functors: types that can be mapped. A functor is any type M that could have a method like:

<T, U>(this: M<T>, f: (t: T) => U) => M<U>

This includes Array and Promise, as we've seen, as well as Set, types like [T, T, T], T | undefined (or a wrapper around it), and many other types.

One consequence of this definition is that all functors have exactly one type argument. This means that string can't be a functor, even though you could write a function that iterates over its contents and transforms them.

Formally, a functor also has to satisfy this rule, assuming its method is called map: => x) = m

Meaning, map should only change m in the way the mapping function changes the elements. (And, for clarity, = here just means equivalence, not necessarily any specific notion of equality in JavaScript.)

We've already seen the definition of map for one functor, Array, but I'll show another functor's definition here, that of T | undefined, or the wrapper I'll make called Optional:

class Optional<T> {
    #value: T | undefined;

    constructor(value: T | undefined) {
        this.#value = value;

    map<U>(func: (t: T) => U): Optional<U> {
        if (this.#value) {
            return new Optional<U>(func(this.#value));
        } else {
            return new Optional<U>(undefined);

    // other methods...

new Optional(4);
// Optional { #value: 4 }

new Optional("hello").map(s => s + ".");
// Optional { #value: "hello." }

new Optional<number>(undefined).map(x => x + 1);
// Optional { #value: undefined }

new Optional({ name: "epsilon" }).map(obj =>;
// Optional { #value: "epsilon" }

In summary:


The other pattern we saw is (part of) the monad abstraction! A monad is a type M that can have a method like:

<T, U>(this: M<T>, f: (t: T) => M<U>) => M<U>

In our examples, this method sequenced asynchronous actions (Promise's andThen), and mapped and flattened nested structure (Array's flatMap). The way I think about this method, which I'll call bind, is that it sequences actions. For Promise this isn't too unclear I hope, andThen makes a promise that runs one Promise, and then runs another Promise by using the result of the first one. For Array, this conceptualization still works, but it is somewhat less obvious. Consider a function T => Array<U> as an action that can produce multiple values. With that context, Array's flatMap sequences actions that create multiple values, always creating another action that creates multiple values with the results of the last action.

Optional from the last section is also a monad, so I'll show its definition as well:

class Optional<T> {
    #value: T | undefined;

    constructor(value: T | undefined) {
        this.#value = value;

    // Optional's `bind` method
        func: (t: T) => Optional<U>,
    ): Optional<U> {
        if (this.#value) {
            return func(this.#value);
        } else {
            return new Optional<U>(undefined);

    // other methods...

function safeDiv(
    x: number,
    y: number,
): Optional<number> {
    if (y == 0) {
        return new Optional<number>(undefined);
    } else {
        return new Optional(x / y);

new Optional("hello")
    .flatMap(s => safeDiv(10, s.length));
// Optional { #value: 2 }

new Optional<number>(undefined)
    .flatMap(x => safeDiv(1024, x));
// Optional { #value: undefined }

bind for the Optional monad can be thought of as sequencing actions that might not produce a value.

There are lots of other monads, including data structures that are also functors, like Set. However, not all functors are monads; for example [T, T, T] is not a monad in general. Unlike Array, it has a fixed length, so you can't flatten a [[U, U, U], [U, U, U], [U, U, U]] into a [U, U, U], which makes it incompatible with Monad in general.

I said at the top that the pattern we saw is only part of what monads are, that's just because there's one extra function a monad needs, unit.

<T>(t: T) => M<T>

This can be thought of as creating a container with only one element, or creating an action that does nothing but return the provided value.

const arrayUnit: <T>(t: T) => Array<T>
    = (t) => [t];

const optionalUnit: <T>(t: T) => Optional<T>
    = (t) => new Optional(t);

Because we have a unit operation, this means that every monad is also a functor:

const map: <T, U>(m: M<T>, f: (t: T) => U) => M<U>
    = (m, f) => m.bind(x => M.unit(f(x)));

Formally, monads also have three rules:

To skip ahead a little, JavaScript's builtin Promise type is a functor and a monad in the same way the Promise we came up with is, but the names are a little different:

In summary:

Building around monads🔗

If we go back to the example we started with, we have async and sync versions of a certain function:

function synchronyHeaven(params) {
    const results = makeRequest(params);
    const data = processResults(results);
    return sendResults(data).id;

function promisePurgatory(params) {
    return makeRequest(params)
        .map(response =>;

While promisePurgatory is certainly nicer than callbackHell, it's not quite as nice as synchronyHeaven. Since we have an abstraction over sequencing actions, why not make a language feature to make that nicer? We'll create a syntax sugar for andThen chains (or bind chains in general) that cleans this up quite a bit:

function promiseHeaven(params) {
    return sequenced {
        const results = exec makeRequest(params);
        const data = exec processResults(results);
        const response = exec sendResults(data);

This would act the same as promisePurgatory above, but look at how natural it is! Instead of writing long method chains or deep pyramids of callbacks, we can write asynchronous code as if it were synchronous. Let's look at another example:

function motherInLawPicture(user: User): Optional<Image> {
    return sequenced {
        const spouse: User = exec user.getSpouse();
        const mother: User = exec spouse.getMother();
        return exec mother.getProfilePicture();

In this example, we're sequencing actions that might not produce a value; the user may not have a spouse listed on the platform, the spouse may not have a mother listed on the platform, and the mother in law may not have set a profile picture. Despite that, we can seamlessly write this without explicitly checking for a missing value once.


Many readers will probably be aware that JavaScript does have a feature to sequence async operations together: async/await. It even looks very similar to the hypothetical sequenced/exec feature I described here:

async function promiseHeaven(params) {
    const results = await makeRequest(params);
    const data = await processResults(results);
    const response = await sendResults(data);

With this post I hope you can see how a more general form of async/await is possible using monads, allowing us to seamlessly write code using all sorts of effects and actions. While it's probably too late for JavaScript to include such a feature, I think it's worth considering how abstractions from functional programming can solve problems effectively.

Bonus: Monoids🔗

You might still be unsatisfied with my conceptualization of Array's flatMap as a way to sequence actions; it is less intuitive than the more literal understanding of how it flattens nested structure. Let's look at an abstraction that fits this concept better, starting with a look at string.

If I write


I'll get a flat array back. I might also want to be able to write


and get a single string back, but the signature of flatMap doesn't allow for this. Let's add a method concatMap that can handle this case:

const contents = objects.concatMap(obj => obj.text);

Nice, this will combine all of the text into one string. Since we've been looking for abstractions, though, what other things could we combine? We've already seen we can combine arrays with flatMap, but how about numbers?

const total = cart.sum(item => item.price);

This works, but I might want the product of a list of numbers:

const totalHealth
    = baseHealth
    * equipment.product(item => item.multiplier);

In all three of these cases, we have an element type that we can combine somehow, and, though I didn't mention it, we also have a starting element, "" for concatenating strings, 0 for adding numbers, and 1 for multiplying numbers. This is what forms the monoid abstraction:

Notice that numbers actually have two monoids, one that uses addition for <>, and one that uses multiplication for <>.

Let's make a method for folding up a list of monoids into one value using <>:

const contents = objects.foldMap(obj => obj.text);

const totalPrice = cart.foldMap(item => Sum(item.price)).value;

const totalHealth
    = baseHealth
    * equipment.foldMap(item => Product(item.multiplier)).value;

Our general foldMap can work on strings, numbers, booleans, lists, Promises that make other monoids, functions, and many more!





Thanks for coming along, and until next time o7